Saturday, October 3, 2009

1st Hexter Graduation!

A graduation ceremony of hexters? Is this some kind of Harry Potter rip-off?
Students hanging around a staircase holding lit candles!

OK! A Student in cap and gown with microphone, not a wizard with a wand!

This was Fort Collins' Centennial High School having their 1st Hexter Stairway Graduation Ceremony. This sounded kind of spooky to me at first, but as an academic term has it's divisions of semesters, quarters, trimesters as the rest of the world knows it, here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it just makes sense to divide the year by 6 so to have 6 equal HEXTERS. The fact that the building is 102 years old is kind of neat too!
