Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Year 2009 in Review

Who cares really, but you know how all those programs on TV and articles in magazines like to sum up the year! Well here's what I got as far as this blog is concerned; Sure, it's just a lousy clip show for this post, but what the hey? Everybody does it! So, of the 127 or so posts made on this blog in 2009, here's what may be the best (or not):

Where any publicity is good publicity:
Of course the biggest news story was this one; It put Fort Collins on the map fer Christ's sake! Not much to say here. Did we look stupid? You bet! But we are better off for it. Nobody got hurt really. Life goes on... That being said:

The best pace to hide in Fort Collins:
No! It's not in a cardboard box in the garage you idiot! But I bet they wouldn't find you if you hid in this thing. It's the last place anyone would look for you.

The last important celebrity to visit Fort Collins:
In my opinion it was this guy. It was a long time ago so I believe we are due for someone special. I'm sure it will be great; I just hope The Coloradoan does a half way decent job reporting it.

The Best Place for Non-humans to Hang Out:
It didn't take long living in Fort Collins before he moved into our home. And of course he had to take part in this, and that, and even this here! It's getting out of hand. He's got more than 10 times the number of Facebook friends than I have already!

Proof that All the Real Asses Live in Loveland:
Oh, about nine miles South of Fort Collins you could find this place. I still get into Loveland about once a week, so there will be more to come from out that a way.

Why there's no Reason to Review Restaurants on this Blog:
I liked this place and mentioned it in this blog and now it's gone! ... and this past December I was passing though Iowa and just wanted to stop over at this place for some of the best Cajun food around and guess what!? It's gone too! This blog could be a restaurant curse; Hmmmm, that gives me an idea.

Why You Still Shouldn't Trust Wikipedia Articles:
You shouldn't trust this blog either, but what they say about Timnath, Colorado is not quite true. This post is mentioned because it was the most researched piece of all the 127 entries for 2009. Nothing like it will ever appear in this blog again!

And of course Fort Collins is the Best Place to Bike Because:
They have events like this and that. You can bike in the North-South direction without breaking a sweat; Just go a little bit West of town, and look out!

So here's to 2010! I imagine there will be reports from this event in the future and more retreats like this one in the Spring. Just know that if there are any mysteries on the roadside, there's a good chance that I'll miss them completely.
Good Night!