Thursday, May 21, 2009

Folks passin' through

This guy came to visit:
It's Tom from the Edgar Rice Band!
Remember that post last week of that old photo somebody sent? That somebody was the guitar player on the left in the old photo.  Tom was on his way from Seattle to his new home in Washington, D.C. with a truck full of stuff including saw horses, ladders, weed-wackers,  and oddly enough some works of art from Uganda. I haven't seen Tom since 1976 and we spent a good evening catching up. Among other things, Tom is the volunteer coordinator for a small school in Uganda! He thinks I would make an ideal math teacher in Uganda! 
I've been to East Africa but not central Africa; Hmmm... if I run out of roadside mysteries around here I bet I'll find all sorts of things in Uganda! 
(gimme some time to think about that!)
