Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Belgium's Parade

It's that time of year again:
To get your doggie ready for yet another parade!
Duncan Madog's special car was outfitted with a digital video camera (at the top of car). We will have to see what kind of data we got, but not today!

Hirsute Child or What?... You be the judge!
We figured on some kind of carnival theme this year. Duncan wouldn't mind if we used him as a circus freak during the Tour de Fat Parade!

Jeanne and Duncan in costume!
Duncan is wearing a cute little red stripped shirt. We also had a pair of overalls for him, but we thought that it would be too hot for him to wear for the 2 hour parade.

...and this guy too!
Now to sift through the video and stills for the right moments of this year's Tour de Fat! This might take a while!

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