Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mr. Freeze is here!

In Old Town, Fort Collins:
Or is that Master Chiller?
Master chillers are made by Roustan Refrigeration. Here we have Porta-Pipeā„¢ being installed in Old Town Square in order to make the base for an ice rink floor system.

The piped floor system.
There are fixed underground pipes gushing heat transfer fluids right under your feet in Old Town! At any moment there could be gallons of ethylene glycol passing under you and you wouldn't even know it! If you have X-ray vision you can follow the pipes to this secret mechanical storage room that contains...

The real Master Chiller!
So it looks like ice skating is back in Old Town! Starting on Saturday, November 21 you can rent a pair of skates ($1) and skate on the Roustan Rink for only $2. That's also the day for the big holiday season kick-off where all the lights get turned on! Remember: Buy local!