Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Roadside Boy visits FC

Hey! Is that not Tom and his guitar?
It's Tom from the 'Roadside Boys' Band !
Not to be confused with this Tom from the Edgar Rice Band. It's entirely another Tom who also plays guitar and plays in a band that I occasionally inject banjo licks from time to time.

Here are Tom and me and Tom's brother John on the roadside in 2005!
We get together once a year on the highly religious feast of Ragbrai to eat pork chops and pie while we entertain 10,000+ bike riders. This year Ragbrai begins on the night of July 18 with music from the Barenaked Ladies. Then someplace on someone's farm or near a grain elevator or next to a cornfield, if you're lucky, and you're riding a bike through Iowa, you might hear the Roadside Boys entertaining YOU! It could happen.

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