Monday, November 16, 2009

Colorado Redman

Off of US 34 west of Loveland:
It's a wooden indian sculpture!
I was talking to BBQ Bob the other day and he noticed that I was carrying a camera so he asked what kind of pictures I liked to take. I said I took pictures for my blog called 'Roadside Mysteries'; about stuff I see on the roadside. He said I should go west on Eisenhower a few miles to the 'Big Indian Head'. "It's a real mystery" he said. It was also along the roadside.

A closer view of the head
Carved in 1979 by Peter Toth, this 37 foot high tribute to native Americans used to stand proud in the center of Loveland but now has been moved out of the way only to be noticed by those driving up to Estes Park if they happen to look to the right at the proper moment.

Note: Peter Toth has carved at least one indian head in all 50 states.
